São Tomé and Príncipe

Main strategic objectives of the work developed by ACTION/Portugal in São Tomé and Príncipe:
- Support for the operationalisation of the strategy to extend social security to workers in the informal and rural economy.
- Support to the national dialogue for the progressive implementation of a system of universal health coverage by continuing the collaboration with WHO in the framework of the SDG Fund for Social Protection project.
- Advocacy for the ratification of ILO Convention 102 with the publication and dissemination of the zero report.
An active and coordinated network between the following key partner institutions:
Social Partners:
Workers’ organizations:
- Organização Nacional dos Trabalhadores de São Tomé and Príncipe- Central Sindical (ONTSTP-CS)
- União Geral dos Trabalhadores de São Tomé and Príncipe – Central Sindical (UGT-SC)
Employers’ organisations:
- Câmara de Comércio Indústria, Agricultura e Serviços (CCIAS)
Articulation with national policies and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
UNDAF 2017-2021
Strategic Outcome 1- Strengthen Social Cohesion through access to quality basic social services aimed at reducing inequality and disparity among citizens and communities.
OUTCOME 1: Disparities and inequalities are reduced at all levels through the full participation of vulnerable and key groups and the development and utilization by these groups of social protection and basic services.
The pandemic of COVID 19 influenced the evaluation process of the current cycle 2017-2021 and the preparation of the new cycle, given that all attention was on emergencies related to pandemic preparedness and response. Thus, the current UNDAF was extended until the end of 2022.
National Policies – Strategic Development Plan 2011-2030:
In the Programme of the XVII Constitutional Government, one of the lines of force regarding Social Security is the reform of the system, in order to make it more transparent, efficient and close to the citizens. In this sense the strategic axes of intervention are the following:
- Extension of personal and material coverage
- Modernisation of the system’s governance
- Autonomy of investment governance
- Revision of the system of benefits
- Increase of the social security knowledge base
- Legislative reform.
Regarding Social Assistance the Programme foresees a special attention to the recovery of human dignity, aiming at the implementation of programmes for:
- Defence and Protection of the rights of the most excluded
- Minimum Social Insertion Income (REMIS) for the most vulnerable people
Contribution to the SDGs – Agenda 2030

The Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe has subscribed to international commitments on the SDGs, and has prioritized a series of objectives in the preparation of its economic and social development plan. Thus, the SDGs prioritized within the framework of the work carried out by the Government and the United Nations System, are the following: SDG1 (poverty), SDG8 (growth and decent work), SDG9 (industry, innovation), SDG13 (climate change), SDG14 (maritime life), SDG15 (biodiversity) and SDG16 (peace, security, social dialogue).
Visit the ILO Dashboard for more data on the Social Protection situation in São Tomé and Príncipe.
For more information:

Lurdes Viegas dos Santos, National Project Coordinator/ ILO Focal Point in São Tomé and Príncipe

Joana Borges, Social Protection Specialist