
Main strategic objectives of the work developed by ACTION/Portugal in Guinea-Bissau:
- Capacity building for good governance of the social security system and management of social security information and statistics.
- Technical contribution, together with other development partners to the elaboration of the National Policy for Social Protection, including a component on social protection indicators.
An active and coordinated network between the following key partner institutions:
Parceiros Sociais:
Organizações de trabalhadores:
Organizações de empregadores:
Articulation with national policies and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
Available information indicates that the national priorities defined in the national vision for 2025 and the strategic and operational plan 2015-2020 – “Terra Ranka” for social protection are based on two pillars:
- inclusive and sustainable economic growth promoting poverty reduction, decent work, food security and structural transformation of the economy;
- human development and basic services, which aim to promote equitable and sustainable access to quality health care, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, water, hygiene and sanitation, education and protection services for all citizens, especially the most marginalized and vulnerable.
UNPAF Framework – Strategic Priority 3
Outcome 3: All citizens, especially the most marginalised and vulnerable, have equitable and sustainable access to and use of quality health care, nutrition, HIV/AIDS, water, sanitation and hygiene, education and protection services.
Contribution to the SDGs – Agenda 2030

Visit the ILO Dashboard for more data on the Social Protection situation in Guinea-Bissau.
For more information:

Fernando Sousa Júnior, Technical Officer in Social Protection at the ILO and ACTION/Portugal country officer for Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau.