
Main strategic objectives of the work developed by ACTION/Portugal in Angola:
- The process of extending compulsory social security, especially to workers in the informal economy.
- Assistance to the implementation of the National Policy for Social Action through the capacity building of the national social protection institutions responsible for its implementation.
- Supporting the implementation of a social protection statistics system covering both contributory and non-contributory social protection schemes.
An active and coordinated network between the following key partner institutions:
Social Partners:
Workers’ organizations:
- Força Sindical Angolana (FSA-CS)
- Central Geral de Sindicatos Independentes e Livres de Angola (CGSILA)
Employers’ organisations:
- Associação Industrial de Angola (AIA)
Articulation with national policies and the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
National Policies:
- National Development Plan (NDP) 2018 – 2022:
- Policy 1: Population Policy:
- Programme 1.1.1 – Local Development and Fight against Poverty.
- Policy 5: Social Assistance and Protection:
- Programme 1.5.3 – Modernisation of the mandatory social protection system
- Policy 13: Employment Policy and Working Conditions
- Programme 2.5.1 – Reconversion of the Informal Economy
- Programme 2.5.1 – Reconversion of the Informal Economy
- National Policy on Social Action – Presidential Decree nº 37/21
- Basic Law on Social Protection nº 7/04
- Regulations and laws approving the new Social Security schemes of the INSS:
- Policy 1: Population Policy:
Cooperation Framework between the Government of Angola and the United Nations for Sustainable Development 2020 – 2022 (UNDAF):
- Outcome 1 – Economic and Social Transformation Output
- 1.6: Decentralized and integrated social and productive service systems (health, nutrition, HIV, education, water and sanitation, housing, social protection, justice, protection against violence, land management, rural extension, etc.) and employment and income generation expanded and strengthened at community, municipal, provincial and national levels.
- Annex 3: Leave No One Behind Strategies – Provide assistance to improve social protection systems that reduce inequalities through safety nets that maintain the right to an adequate standard of living for all.
- 1.6: Decentralized and integrated social and productive service systems (health, nutrition, HIV, education, water and sanitation, housing, social protection, justice, protection against violence, land management, rural extension, etc.) and employment and income generation expanded and strengthened at community, municipal, provincial and national levels.
Contribution to the SDGs – Agenda 2030

Visit the ILO Dashboard for more data on the Social Protection situation in Angola.
For more information:

Denise Monteiro, ILO project coordinator in Angola