With ACTION/Portugal…

Social Protection as a priority

Commitment of the PALOP and Timor-Leste governments and social partners to the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, putting Universal access to Social Protection at the top of the policy agenda.

Extension of social protection coverage

Policies, plans and programmes to extend social protection coverage (including health) in line with the guarantees of social protection systems and floors, within the framework of the SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

Training and capacity building

Capacity and skills development for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, strategies and programmes to strengthen social protection systems and schemes.

Knowledge sharing and access

Provision of documents, data and tools in Portuguese to support priority areas of work and the transfer of good practices in South-South and triangular cooperation.

Coordination between systems

Collaboration, sharing and coordination between the institutions responsible for social protection systems aimed at articulating contributory and non-contributory systems and schemes.

Responses to COVID-19

Technical and financial support, tools, information and experience sharing, and specialized training and capacity building mechanisms on the responses to COVID-19 in the field of social protection.

Social Protection Statistics 

To collect, prepare, analyse and make available reliable and quality data on social protection systems to monitor progress at national, regional and international levels.

Actuarial studies 

Internal capacity building for social security institutions in PALOP countries and East Timor on the use of ILO actuarial tools and models in order to enable them, in the short and medium term, to carry out periodical  actuarial assessments in a more autonomous way.

Efficiency and sustainability 

Joint, close work with social security institutions in analysing and improving existing practices and processes of governance, financial management and reserve fund investments. 


International conventions 

Significant progress in the ratification of ILO Convention C102 and the reinforcement of Social Protection benefits following the guidelines of ILO Recommendation R202.


18 Activities

1200 Participants

98 Publications

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The National Institute of Social Security (INSS) of São Tomé and Príncipe looks on positively to the ACTION/Portugal programme, which has contributed to the capacity building and training of its staff. On the other hand, it has allowed the INSS of São Tomé to share its experiences and be exposed to the know-how of countries like Portugal and Cabo Verde, with which it has strong cooperation relations. 

Maykel Ramos Oliveira Viegas

General-Director of INSS São Tomé and Príncipe

The support provided by ACTION/Portugal has been very important for Mozambique’s National Institute of Social Security (INSS) to continue to successfully implement the programmes in its portfolio, aiming to provide social security services with excellence. It is also important to highlight the technical and training support that constitutes an essential tool for the improvement of services provided by INSS.

Edson Domingos

Social Security Director of INSS Mozambique

The ACTION/Portugal project to strengthen social protection systems in the PALOP countries and Timor-Leste has been essential for the National Institute of Social Security of Guinea-Bissau to continue providing social security benefits to Guinean citizens and has managed to create important cooperation ties, especially with Portugal and Cabo Verde. 

Cheikh Amadu Bamba Konté

General-Director of INSS of Guinea-Bissau

I consider the contribution of the ILO, through ACTION/Portugal, to the implementation and consolidation of the policies outlined for the social protection of the non-contributory system in Cabo Verde to be immeasurable.

The results achieved by the National Centre for Social Benefits (CNPS) over these years, whether in extending the coverage of social benefits, improving management capacity or even institutional strengthening, are due mainly to the ongoing support of the ILO, through ACTION/Portugal. This support has taken various forms, such as technical-financial assistance and training activities.

Elisandra Albertina Lopes de Pina

President of the National Centre for Social Benefits of Cabo Verde

It is with great satisfaction and commitment that the National Institute of Social Security Angola has been participating for several years in numerous initiatives under the ACTION/Portugal Project, as it assumes an importance, among others, of training and raising awareness on measures aimed at strengthening Social Protection Systems, particularly in CPLP countries.

In the 2nd Semester of 2018, we engaged in participation and involvement in a strategic issue for our Mandatory Social Protection System – the extension of Social Security coverage for workers in the informal economy. The decision-makers and technicians of the Institute got to know international experiences and trends on the subject, becoming more sensitised and aware of the relevance of a contributory-based system to progressively integrate groups of informal economy workers and, mainly, the ways in which this can be done.

Pedro Felipe

State Secretary for Labour and Social Security of Angola



Head of the Public Finance, Actuarial and Statistical Unit of the ILO’s Social Protection Department


Activities Coordinator for ACTION/Portugal


Technical Officer for Social Protection at the ILO


Social Protection Technical Officer at ILO Lisbon


Assistant at ITCILO for ACTION/Portugal


ILO Social Protection Programme Manager and ACTION/Portugal country officer for Mozambique


Technical Officer in Social Protection of the ILO and ACTION/Portugal country officer for Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau


Technical Officer in Social Protection of the ILO and ACTION/Portugal country officer for Timor-Leste


National Coordinator of the RBSA Project and ILO Focal Point in São Tomé and Príncipe


Social Protection Expert at the Decent Work Team for Central Africa (ILO Yaoundé)